Over the years, the school has been committed to implementing an environmental education curriculum, incorporating environmental elements into different learning themes and special activities. Through experience and experience, children are able to practice green living and to motivate parents, relatives, friends and community members to promote environmental protection.
Cultivate a sense of care and concern for nature in children
Children are encouraged to appreciate the beauty of nature and to be aware of global climate change through understanding the environment of the community they live in, so that they can understand the importance of caring for the environment.
Cultivate an attitude of cherishing resources
Encourage children to use or reuse resources in a timely and appropriate manner, and to recycle to avoid wastage.
Cultivate an attitude of choice and environmental protection in children
Children are encouraged to make the most of what they have in their daily lives and to use more reusable and environmentally friendly items, such as handkerchiefs instead of paper towels and using food waste to make natural fertilizer instead of chemical fertilizer. The school also uses healthy and natural ingredients, cooks with less salt, sugar and oil, and cultivates a healthy eating habit of having more vegetables and less meat and taking several meals a day with less portion per meal.
Our results
Winners of the 13th and 14th Hong Kong Green Kindergarten Awards: "The Most Outstanding Performance Award" (Environmental Management, Environmental Education) and "The Most Outstanding Performance Award" (Parents' Participation in Environmental Protection Activities)