As one of the participating schools of the "Kindergarten Education Scheme" of the Education Bureau (EDB), our School offers quality whole-day programmes to provide early childhood education for residents in the district.
(Under the Kindergarten Education Scheme, our School will receive subsidy from the government. Any needy family may apply to the Student Finance Office for financial assistance under the "Kindergarten and Child Care Centre Fee Remission Scheme")

Year of establishment:



Ms. Tse Shuk In


Ms. Fung Yu Yee

In the spirit and love of Jesus Christ, we cultivate the all-round development of our children including their moral, intellectual, physical, social, aesthetic and spiritual development.

Teaching focus

• Emphasizing character education, and establishing children’s good living habits and correct values through   environmental education;
• Laying a good foundation for learning Chinese and English Languages for children;
• Inspiring children's thinking and creativity, and stimulating their interest and enthusiasm for learning

Service target:

Children aged 2-6